Deep learning, concepts and frameworks: Find your way through the jungle (talk)

Today at OOP in Munich, I had an in-depth talk on deep learning, including applications, basic concepts as well as practical demos with Tensorflow, Keras and PyTorch.

As usual, the slides are on RPubs, split up into 2 parts because of the plenty of images included – lossy png compression did work wonders but there’s only so much you can expect 😉 – so there’s a part 1 and a part 2.

There’s also the github repository with the demo notebooks.

Thanks to everyone who attended, and thank you for the interesting questions!

Practical Deep Learning (talk)

Yesterday at IT Tage 2017, I had an introductory-level talk on deep learning.

After giving an overview of concepts and frameworks, I zoomed in on the task of image classification using Keras, Tensorflow and PyTorch, not aiming for high classification accuracy but wanting to convey the different “look and feel” of these frameworks.

(By sheer chance, the use case chosen happened to be about telling apart different types of endurance sports ;-))

Here are the slides, and here are the Jupyter notebooks.

Thanks to everyone who attended & thanks for reading!

Time series prediction – with deep learning

More and more often, and in more and more different areas, deep learning is making its appearance in the world around us.
Many small and medium businesses, however, will probably still think – Deep Learning, that’s for Google, Facebook & co., for the guys with big data and even bigger computing power (barely resisting the temptation to write “yuge power” here).

Partly this may be true. Certainly when it comes to running through immense permutations of hyperparameter settings. The question however is if we can’t obtain good results in more usual dimensions, too – in areas where traditional methods of data science / machine learning prevail. Prevail, as of today, that is.

One such area is time series prediction, with ARIMA & co. top on the leader board. Can deep learning be a serious competitor here? In what cases? Why? Exploring this is like starting out on an unknown road, fascinated by the magical things that may await us 😉
In any case, I’ve started walking down the road (not running!), in a rather take-your-time-and-explore-the-surroundings way. That means there’s much still to come, and it’s really just a beginning.

Here, anyway, is the travel report – the presentation slides, I mean: best viewed on RPubs, as RMarkdown on github, or downloadable as pdf).